“A fun example of a bug becoming a feature” Destiny 2 is technically a bit broke…

If you noticed an odd bug in Destiny 2 recently, don’t worry about it, because Bungie isn’t fixing it on purpose.
There are lots of things that separate games from other mediums out there, but I think one of the biggest are bugs and glitches. The closest thing you could maybe find elsewhere is in live theatre, because accidents can happen, but it’s not exactly the same given the way games work. Sometimes, little bugs can find their way into games and just get embraced by the devs, like how in Celeste players discovered certain walls of spikes had single-pixel-wide windows you could dash through, and the devs added in a custom animation to show you’re doing the trick right. It’s neat! And while Bungie isn’t going quite that far with Destiny 2’s latest bug, it is still embracing it.
In recent weeks following Heresy’s launch, some players noticed that three exotic glaive weapons, the Edge of Intent, the Edge of Concurrence, and the Edge of Action, amongst others, which were typically class-specific could be used on any class. And, as it turns out, Bungie has been “seeing some great celebrations with the removal of these constraints,” as it explained in a blog post last week.
“Our first reactions were focused more towards fixing the issue as we want to retain strong class-based fantasies within Destiny, and the removal of class locks muddies the water a bit,” Bungie continued. “As an example, it’s a bit weird to see a Warlock or a Hunter spawning a mini-bubble or seeing a Titan running like a ninja. After some discussions between team members, we’ve arrived at a new decision: we’re going to let this ride. A fun example of a bug becoming a feature.”
Now, one thing Bungie did want to note is that some animations might not look right given that certain combos aren’t meant to happen. On top of that it found from talking amongst the team, “class-based Glaives open up some interesting new buildcrafting opportunities. In the future, we will be keeping a close eye on how these Glaives are performing across all three classes.”
Bungie did also make it clear that it “won’t always look at weird bugs and decide to support them as a feature,” but this one “felt appropriate”, so don’t pointlessly hope that it’ll keep the next weird bug that rolls around (even though you probably will).